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This week is going to be a scorcher ☀️

We can help 😊

Targeted Agency

Okay, so it is hot. Unusually hot. Everyone has a different opinion on the heat, but studies show that when employees are uncomfortably hot, they are:

  • less productive
  • more likely to make mistakes
  • more likely to want to work remotely to control their environment

Working from a shared spreadsheet isn't going to help your business. A Targeted application will.

A modern, secure web application from Targeted builds resilience into your business. Working remotely is a breeze with our robust, access anywhere database applications. Built-in validations and sanity checks give reassurance to even the most temperature-distracted users.

Our real-time digital dashboards provide your employees with their next task and highlights exceptions; all while hiding the noise.

All of this whilst being powered by 100% renewable energy ☀️🍃

Grab yourself an ice lolly and speak with us to see how we can increase your team's productivity and resilience, even in this heat ☀️🍦

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